Board and Profile of Directors

Gooi Seong Lim

Executive Chairman

Gooi Seong Heen

Managing Director

Gooi Seong Chneh

Executive Director

Gooi Seong Gum

Executive Director

Yong Chung Sin

Senior Independent
Non-Executive Director

Soh Ban Ting

Non-Executive Director

Dr. Chee Yau Kuan @
Chia Yan Kuan

Independent Non-Executive Director

Gooi Khai Chien

Alternate Director
to Mr. Gooi Seong Lim

Gooi Chuen Kang

Alternate Director
to Mr. Gooi Seong Heen

Kan Chee Jing

Company Secretary

Chong Fook Sin

Company Secretary

Chua Yoke Bee

Company Secretary

<– Horizontal Scrolling –>


 Family Relationships

Gooi Seong Lim, Gooi Seong Heen, Gooi Seong Chneh and Gooi Seong Gum are brothers.
Gooi Seong Lim is father of Gooi Khai Chien.

 Family Relationships

Gooi Seong Heen is father of Gooi Chuen Kang.

Save for the above, none of the other Directors are related.


Executive Chairman


Age 74


Gooi Seong Lim was appointed to the Board of Kim Loong Resources Berhad (“KLR”) as an Executive Director on 28 February 1990. He was a Managing Director up to 30 March 2006 before redesignation as the Executive Chairman of KLR. He was also a member of the Remuneration Committee with effect from 27 March 2002 until 30 January 2018. He graduated from the University of Toronto, Canada, with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1975. From 1975 until to-date, he has been the Managing Director of Sharikat Kim Loong Sendirian Berhad (“SKL”), a company which owns a controlling stake in KLR and Crescendo Corporation Berhad (“CCB”). Both KLR and CCB are public companies listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”). The success of the Group owes much to his extensive involvement in plantation and milling operations. He also sits on the Board of CCB and several other private companies.
Mr. Gooi has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR, except that he is deemed interested in the transactions entered into with SKL Group (excluding KLR) which are carried out in the ordinary course of business, by virtue of his directorship and shareholding in SKL. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023. He attended all the five (5) Board meetings held during the financial year 2023.


Managing Director


Age 72


Gooi Seong Heen was appointed to the Board of KLR as an Executive Director on 28 February 1990. He was redesignated as Managing Director on 30 March 2006. He graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toronto in 1972 and obtained a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario, Canada in 1976. He served as an engineer with Esso Singapore Pte Ltd from 1973 to 1974. His experience embraces oil palm and rubber estate management, palm oil mill management and property development. From 1972, he has been a Director of SKL, a company which owns a controlling stake in KLR and CCB. Since 1977, he has been a director of KLPO Group which is involved in palm oil milling. He is currently also a director of CCB and several other private companies.
Mr. Gooi has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR, except that he is deemed interested in the transactions entered into with SKL Group (excluding KLR) which are carried out in the ordinary course of business, by virtue of his directorship and shareholding in SKL. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023. He attended all the five (5) Board meetings held during the financial year 2023.


Executive Director


Age 68


Gooi Seong Chneh was appointed to the Board of KLR on 28 February 1990. He is currently an Executive Director of KLR. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto, Canada in 1975 and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada in 1980. He was formerly a consultant with Campbell Engineering and Associates, Calgary, Canada for three (3) years from 1981 to 1983. He has extensive experience in construction site management and property development. His experience also includes oil palm and cocoa estate management. From 1976, he has been a Director of SKL, a company which owns a controlling stake in KLR and CCB. He has been responsible for the development and management of oil palm and cocoa estates in Johor, Sabah and Sarawak since 1985. He is also a director of CCB and several other private companies.
Mr. Gooi has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR, except that he is deemed interested in the transactions entered into with SKL Group (excluding KLR) which are carried out in the ordinary course of business, by virtue of his directorship and shareholding in SKL. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023. He attended all the five (5) Board meetings held during the financial year 2023.


Executive Director


Age 67


Gooi Seong Gum was appointed to the Board of KLR on 28 February 1990. He is currently an Executive Director of KLR. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada in 1980. He was an engineering consultant for Bobrowski & Partners, Calgary, Canada for one (1) year from 1982 to 1983. His experience covers oil palm and rubber estate management, property development and construction site management. From 1980, he has been a Director of SKL, a company which owns a controlling stake in KLR and CCB. Since 1983, he has been a director of KLPO Group which is involved in palm oil milling. He also sits on the Board of CCB and several other private companies.
Mr. Gooi has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR, except that he is deemed interested in the transactions entered into with SKL Group (excluding KLR) which are carried out in the ordinary course of business, by virtue of his directorship and shareholding in SKL. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023. He attended all the five (5) Board meetings held during the financial year 2023.


Senior Independent Non-Executive Director


Age 51


Yong Chung Sin was appointed to the Board of KLR as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 15 September 2022. He is currently the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director of KLR. He was appointed as a member of the Audit, Nominating and Remuneration Committees on 15 September 2022 and currently, he is the Chairman of the Audit, Nominating and Remuneration Committees. He is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and a Chartered Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. He also graduated with a Master in Business Administration from the University of Keele, United Kingdom. He has vast experience in Audit and Assurance Services, having served as Audit Partner of RSM Malaysia before joining Kreston John & Gan. He is also involved in multiple corporate exercises and special engagements including financial due diligence review, investigative audit, business valuation, reporting accountant for IPO, reverse take-over, private debt securities and other corporate restructuring exercises. He is also a director of CCB.
Mr. Yong has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023. He attended all the two (2) Board meetings held during the financial year 2023 since his appointment to the Board of KLR.


Independent Non-Executive Director


Age 52


Soh Ban Ting was appointed to the Board of KLR as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 15 September 2022. She is a member of the Audit Committee of KLR with effect from 15 September 2022. She also sits as a member of both the Nominating and Remuneration Committees with effect from 15 September 2022. She graduated with a Degree in Economics majoring in Accounting from the University of LaTrobe, Melbourne, Australia. She is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and a Certified Practicing Accountant of CPA Australia. She started her career in Ernst & Young in 1992, where she transitioned from corporate insolvency to corporate restructuring practices in the firm. In 2013 she left Ernst & Young and diversified her skills sets and experience into corporate finance advisory to complement her restructuring experience. Her advisory experience, in firms such as RSM Malaysia and 27 Capital Sdn Bhd, includes provision of advisory services such as strategic business planning, fund raising, financial modelling & valuation and corporate re-organisation. She is also a director of CCB.
Ms. Soh has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR. She has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023. She attended all the two (2) Board meetings held during the financial year 2023 since her appointment to the Board of KLR.


Independent Non-Executive Director


Age 81


Dr. Chee Yau Kuan @ Chia Yan Kuan was appointed to the Board of KLR as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 30 November 2022. He is a member of the Audit Committee and the Nominating and Remuneration Committees with effect from 30 November 2022.
Dr. Chee holds a Bachelor of Agriculture Science and a Master of Agriculture Science from University of Malaya. He graduated with a Doctor of Agriculture Science from the University Ghent, Belgium. His specialization is in rubber agronomy, weed management, intercropping, legume cover crops, soil erosion, extension and training.
He was the Principal Research Officer at the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia. He conducted training courses for Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (FELCRA) and Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (RISDA). He was a tree crop agronomist for Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. He was a consultant on weed management for Syngenta Crop Protection Sdn. Bhd., and soil erosion control of North/South Highway for Sumara Kimia Company, Malaysia.
He was a member of the Pesticide Board Technical Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia. He is a life member of the Malaysian Soil Science Society and Malaysian Gardening Society, and a resource member of the International Rubber Research and Development Board. In 2012/2013, he was a consultant to Malaysia Rubber Fund Board. He has published and presented 72 papers in International and local conferences, seminars, workshops, proceedings and books. In 2014, he published a book “Efficient weed management to enhance rubber production” with co-author Chung Gait Fee.
Dr. Chee has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023. He attended the only one (1) Board meeting held during the financial year 2023 since his appointment to the Board of KLR.


Alternate Director to Mr. Gooi Seong Lim


Age 31


Gooi Khai Chien was appointed to the Board of KLR as Alternate Director to Mr. Gooi Seong Lim on 31 March 2016. He was the Investor Relations Director of KLR before redesignation to his current position as the Investment and Development Director of KLR on 1 February 2023. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering in 2014 and a Master’s Degree in Investments and Wealth Management in 2015. He started his career as an Investment analyst with Target Asset Management in Singapore from 2016 to 2019, during which he led the technology portfolio and a team of junior analysts. Since then, he has been involved in the business operations of KLR Group.
Mr. Gooi has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR except that he is deemed interested in the transactions entered into with SKL Group (excluding KLR) which are carried out in the ordinary course of business, by virtue of being a person connected to Mr. Gooi Seong Lim. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023.


Alternate Director to Mr. Gooi Seong Heen


Age 37


Gooi Chuen Kang was appointed to the Board of KLR as Alternate Director to Mr. Gooi Seong Heen on 31 March 2016 and is currently the Plantation Director of KLR. He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) from the University of Melbourne in 2008. He worked as an analyst attached with Accenture Kuala Lumpur from 2010 to 2014. Since then, he has been involved in the business operations of KLR Group.
Mr. Gooi has no personal interest in any business arrangement involving KLR except that he is deemed interested in the transactions entered into with SKL Group (excluding KLR) which are carried out in the ordinary course of business, by virtue of being a person connected to Mr. Gooi Seong Heen. He has not been convicted of any offences within the past 5 years and has not been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2023.